mardi 5 juin 2007

Petite histoire de LE Ping Jing

English follows

Nous avons reçu aujourd'hui le rapport de développement de la petite. Lisez-le pour mieux connaître la Miss. Cliquez sur le rapport de développement pour agrandir le texte et pouvoir le lire.

Version anglaise

Here is the English translation of the French translation of the child development report. In other words, this is the story of our baby.

Child development report

LE Ping Jing is a baby girl, born July 15th 2006 according to a note left on her. She was found abandoned July 18th, 2006 in front of the Social Welfare Institute in Leping, and was brought inside the Institute by Mr. LI Feng. She was wearing a cotton-lined jacket with blue patterns and was wrapped in a blue blanket. She was also wearing a bonnet. The medical team of our Institute diagnosed her health as normal. We gave her the name of LE Ping Jing. At her arrival, she measured 47 cm and weighted 3 kg. Her head circumference and her chest girth were, respectively, 33 cm and 30 cm. Her feet measured 7.5 cm. Today, her height, her weight, her head circumference, her chest girth and her feet are, respectively, 64 cm, 7 kg, 41 cm, 41 cm and 10 cm.

Ping Jing has a well-established routine: she wakes up at 6 a.m. and goes to bed at 7 p.m. She has two naps: one at 10 a.m. and one at 1:30 p.m. She is fed six times a day, each time 160 ml, at 6:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 6: 30 p.m. and once during the night. Her basic diet consists of milk, rice flour and fruit sauce. She poos once a day and pees on an irregular basis.

Ping Jing was abandoned three days after her birth. We kept her one week under observation, and then placed her with a foster family. At one month, she was sleeping a lot, but was easily awakened by any small sound. Occasionally, she looked at the light or turned her head towards the light. At two months, she moved her arms and her legs a lot. She became more active and her appetite increased. She started laughing when tickled. At three-four months, when on her belly, she was able to raise her head and her chest. She was firmly grabbing toys and was looking to find where sounds were coming from. When she was happy, she gurgled. At five-six months, she was able to stand for a little while with help. She started distinguishing between familiar faces and unfamiliar ones. She was spontaneously laughing at loud. She was really getting excited at the sight of food. She was responding to her name and was interacting well with others. She was capable of saying mom. Ping Jung is an alert and restless little girl. She has a round face, a clear complexion and double eyelids. She is really really cute.

Social Welfare Institute
February 8th, 2007

lundi 7 mai 2007

English follows

Le 1er mai, en début de soirée, nous avons reçu trois appels téléphoniques : deux de solliciteurs indésirables et un (tant attendu) de l’agence d’adoption. Nous avons raccroché au nez des deux premiers et demandé à la personne de l’agence de répéter et même d’épeler tout ce qu’elle disait. La tension était à son comble. Nous avons donc appris que notre fille, Le Ping Jing, était née le 15 juillet 2006 et qu’elle nous attendait à l’orphelinat de la ville de Leping, dans la province du Jiangxi. Un nombre incalculable d’appels téléphoniques a ensuite été logé.

De l’enregistrement du dossier à la proposition, l’attente aura duré exactement 18 mois. Ceux et celles qui ont assisté à notre mariage le 7 mai 2005 diront qu’il s’est écoulé deux ans entre la cérémonie et aujourd’hui… premier jour où nous pouvons voir le visage de notre puce!!!

Malgré ses vêtements qui lui donnent des allures de motoneigiste, la demoiselle est haute comme trois pommes (64 centimètres ou 25 pouces pour ceux qui comptent toujours avec leurs doigts) et a la légèreté d’une plume (7 kilos ou 15,5 livres). Le rapport, quoique succinct, nous apprend qu’elle aime sa nourrice, qu’elle rit très fort et qu’elle aime les nouveaux jouets. Nous aviserons le Père Noël sous peu. Il y a bien d’autres petits détails, mais nous arrêtons là et nous vous renvoyons au vieil adage qui dit qu’une photo vaut mille mots.

Version anglaise

In the early evening of May 2, we received three telephone calls: two from vendors and one from the adoption agency. Given that we were half expecting a call from the agency, we blew away the vendors in short order, and asked the caller from the agency to repeat, and occasionally spell out, absolutely everything she said. It was high anxiety. Through it all, we learned that our child (still getting used to that expression) had been given the name Le Ping Jing, had been born July 15, 2006 (probably an approximate date), and that the orphanage was in the city of Leping in the southern province of Jiangxi. The call from the agency was followed by a torrent of calls of our own.

From the time our dossier was registered in China, the wait has been exactly 18 months. Those who attended our wedding will realize that exactly two years have elapsed between the marriage and May 7, 2006, which is when we were able to cast our devouring eyes on a small child half way around the world.

Despite the clothes, which make her look like a bundled-up snowmobiler, the little miss is no higher than a tulip (64 cm, or 25 in.) and as light as a feather (7 kilos, or 15.5 lbs). The report we received, while succinct, tells us that she is fond of her nurse, laughs loudly, and likes new toys! (We will advise Santa promptly.) There are other details, but, as the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.

lundi 30 avril 2007

Le 30 avril moins une

English follows

Il est moins une. Moins une avant qu'on ne puisse mettre un nom sur un rêve. Depuis le début de notre aventure, le temps d'attente est devenu une éternité. Le vent nous apporte des rumeurs que le compte à rebours est commencé et que nous devrions bientôt recevoir une première lettre avec l'âge de notre petite fille de Chine, avec son nom, avec sa taille et avec nombre de petites choses que nous lirons et relirons jusqu'à ce que, de nos propres mains, nous puissions mesurer tout le poids de sa présence dans nos vies.

Version anglaise

It's the day before - the day before putting a name on a dream. Since the beginning of our adventure, the waiting time has stretched into an eternity. But now, strong rumours sugggest that the countdown has begun, and that we will soon receive a letter from the Middle Kingdom with the name and age of our child, not to mention her various vital statistics, which we will read and re-read until we are able to gauge for ourselves, with our own hands, her weight - and presence - in our lives.